Donation Options

Support our cause, every inch of Po lam will be marked by your devotion.

Your merits become part of every person we serve and everywhere we serve.


The brick of aspiration and wish: making the wish come true sooner, one brick at a time.

Add “One brick, one wish” for a gift of CDN$100.00


Plant a tree: savouring blessings year after year, one tree at a time.

Add “Plant one tree” for a gift of CDN$200.00


Precious Forest: building A Haven of Mind
Add "Priceless Dhamma Land" for a gift of CAD$1,000.


Cultivate the land of meritorious deeds: giving alms selflessly, benefiting without bounds.



Payment Method and Donation Form

For the Benefit of More people, We Need Your Support

Give the Gift of Your Heart to the Po Lam Redevelopment Foundation.


“New Bank Account Information in Hong Kong.

Hong Kong Dollar donations may deposit direct to the following accounts:”

Account Name: Po Lam Buddhist Association

Bank: Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Ltd.

Account No.: 741-277503-838 - General

Account No.: 741-277537-838 - Redevelop


Please complete Donation Slip and mail to

"Po Lam Buddhist Associaton", 46350 Prairie Central Road, Chilliwack, B.C., V4Z 1A1   OR

email to



Thank you for your generosity. Wishing you serenity and joy.




 Donation >

Meritorious Giving >

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Please do not use without our written consent. Copyright © 2015. All Rights Reserved.
